Ruff Wear Harness and Float Coat arrived!

So excited to come home from dropping the kids at camp this morning to find my package from Fed Ex with Buddy’s Ruff Wear Harness and life jacket.  He’s wearing the harness now, with little resistance, and I plan on taking him to a local dog park to let him run and show it off tomorrow.

His paw is not nearly as swollen as it was, and the cyst is looking much better.  I start a new job on Tuesday (hooray!), so Joe and discussed putting the surgery off until fall.  A part of me still hopes his foot will miraculously heal, and he won’t need the surgery, I guess.  Also, with Max having terminal cancer, we feel we can only handle so much at one time.  However, we surely don’t want Buddy to be in pain.

It’s so tough to know what the right thing to do is.  Putting the surgery off seems like the easiest thing to do.  Perhaps not the best thing to do, but the easiest.  Hmmm . . . .


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3 Responses to Ruff Wear Harness and Float Coat arrived!

  1. kenyasmom says:

    It is hard to know what to do.

    I didn’t quite get that – did they do a fistulagram this time or not?

    Maybe his body with spit the thing out. You never know.

    So, if you pay $350 for the fistulagram and they DON’T find anything – you don’t have to pay for surgery, right? I mean except for surgery down the road for amputation.
    So, if they find it, it costs $1500 and Buddy gets to keep his foot? Sorry, I’m dense.

  2. kenyasmom says:

    Yikes! That is alot to deal with at once. Buddy is already a very lucky boy that he has people who love him and want to take care of him. It’s all very stressful.
    We’ll keep our paws crossed for him.

  3. buddyzito says:

    Hi Colleen — No fistulagram. Financially, we just can’t afford a surgery (which may not prove successful) in addition to the procedure. And if we would need to do an amputation anyway, it is way out of our price range.
    So we move forward and amputate.

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